Monday, February 17, 2014

We Worked Hard in Our 1st Grade Winter Wonderland...

Our class created our own Winter Wonderland! 
 We celebrated communities, customs, traditions, and Holiday traditions! 

We created a Family Traditions wreath that displayed a tradition from each our of families. We enjoyed learning about our families similarities and differences. 

Winter Wonderland Gingerbread fun was FANTASTIC! We read Gingerbread Baby, The Gingerbread Cowboy, The Gingerbread Man Loose in School, Gingerbread Pirates, Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Friends, and The Gingerbread Boy. We created gingerbread men and wrote stories to accompany them. We used gingerbread men to identify the number of syllables in words. Our favorite part of gingerbread day was decorating yummy gingerbread men with delicious goodies! We enjoyed learning about our classmates and comparing our gingerbread glyphs too!

We read A Wish to be a Christmas Tree and decorated our own trees.

We read the Elf on on the Shelf a Christmas Tradition and celebrated our Elf on the Shelf Andrew. We completed elf applications and elf glyphs!

We read Rabbit's Gift and created our own gifts full of things we could give others to warm their hearts.


We celebrated Kwanzaa with Ms. Hinnant's mother and aunt! We learned all about the kinara, African garb, and principles. They taught us many fun ways to celebrate with our friends and families.

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