Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Our Class fam(ILY)

Check out some of our fun moments...

Football Friday Fun

We love our UVA Hoos!
 We celebrated the beginning of the 2014-2015 UVA football season with our football graph, orange and blue, and silly faces!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Welcome To First Grade!!!

 Welcome to our class blog!  Please join us as we embark upon our journey this school year! This blog will allow us to share our amazing work with friends and family.  Invite your child to take a look at our blog with you. They can tell you all about the activities you will see. I will also post sight words, useful links, pictures, videos, and class updates as often as possible.  Please feel free to comment on these posts whenever you have time.  Thank you so much for your support!

Ms. Hinnant

The End of the 2013-2014 School Year

We ended our year with so many engaging activities! Our first grade family thoroughly enjoyed our year together in first grade! Take a look... Field Day, End of the Year rotations, Oobleck, Jumping with Mrs. Lindenbaum, School Wide Morning Meeting, Pillows, Poetry Tea, Tie Dye, Little People too!