Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ms. Hinnant's Founder's Day!

Ms. Hinnant is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She's been a member of this wonderful sorority since the Spring of 2008. She celebrated her sorority's Founder's Day on January 15th. Since its founding (in 1908) over a century ago, Alpha Kappa Alpha’s mission has been to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of “Service to All Mankind.”  She almost cried when she realized that all but 2 of us had on pink- one of her sorority's colors! Guess what? We didn't event know it was her Founder's day! We guess great minds really do think alike!

Purple princesses are loved too!

People, Places, Maps and Such

Our school has amazing educators. In January we had a lot of fun with project based learning. We were able to represent what we learned about maps by creating songs, creating our own maps of real and imaginary places, and creating flags with our resource teachers! We cannot wait to have more fun representing what we learned how we desire!


We had the privilege of having Miss Greater Prince William Lottye Lockheart come to Hollymead and read to our class. We enjoyed having Miss Lottye join us! Her Miss Greater Prince William platform is Literacy too! It was a match made in "reading heaven"!

Reading is fun for all!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

... We're baaaackkk...

Each of us had a wonderful winter break! We came back to school refreshed and ready to learn!

Playing a game while patiently waiting to go into ART! We love being creative with Mrs. Foster!

Back to our Daily 5 grind! Are you ready for some literacy???

Working with mathematicians

We earned ducks as milestone gifts from Jump Rope/ Hoops for Heart!
Look what I built Ms. Hinnant

Monday, February 17, 2014

We Worked Hard in Our 1st Grade Winter Wonderland 2...

We enjoyed our holiday rotation time with the other first grade teachers. We made cards, photo frames, and snow globes! We LOVE first grade!

The entire 1st grade has a delicious time making and decorating gingerbread houses in the cafeteria. Our parent volunteers, Sutherland volunteers, teachers, and TAs helped us create edible masterpieces. We had way too much fun with our 1st grade friends.


We created Snowmen Resolutions. We learned that a resolution is a goal you work hard to achieve to help make yourself better.


We learned about Nelson "Madiba" Mandela and his amazing heart. He passed away on December 5, 2013. He became the President of South Africa after serving almost 27 years. He received the Noble Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom for doing what was right and fighting for Civil Rights.


We had a school- wide morning meeting hosted by the Hollymead SCA! We had so much fun moving, dancing, and celebrating with our school community! Some of our friends received rewards for winning the Hollymead Read-a-thon!

1st grade Read-a-thon winners!

On the last day of school before winter break our 5th grade friends had a sound and light float parade. We patiently waited for the float parade in the hallway in front of our classroom. We ended all of our Winter Wonderland fun by watching the film "The Polar Express" in our classroom with Ms. DeRosa's class. We all wore our toastiest winter pjs and we were treated to hot chocolate and snow white powdered donuts!

Look what we made with legos

Our school-wide Sing-a-long was so much fun!